Winterbourne Community Centre

Watley’s End Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1QG

Watley’s End Road, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1QG

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Find out what we’ve been up to with our latest news.

  1. Which London team are known as the Eagles?
  2. In Coronation Street which character died with Gilbert and Sullivan playing in his car?
  3. Arthur Hastings was the sidekick of which fictional sleuth?
  4. Whose hits include “Detroit City” and “Love Me Tonight”?
  5. The leader of an orchestra plays which instrument?
  6. Polybius made a letter cipher that took which shape?
  7. Which actress was left on a desert island in TV’s Girl Friday?
  8. The cartoon series about Willy Fogg was based on what book?
  9. Which actress played Michael Douglas’s wife in Fatal Attraction?
  10. Bornholm is an island in which sea?

WADCA Commemorates Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

On Thursday, 24th March 2022 various members of WADCA’S Lunch Club watched as a white flowering cherry tree was planted in the Centre’s grounds, bordering on Watleys End Road.
The tree, marking the Monarch’s 70 years reign, and joining the 6 pink flowering ones planted in 2012 commemorating her Diamond Jubilee, was also donated by Rosemary & Ted King, long standing members of WADCA.